We combine business experience with best-in-class technical skill.

Business Challenge | Predictable Budget

IT budgets can be, by nature, unpredictable. In Telluy’s IT Support model, we work with our clients to scope their support needs. From there, we create a monthly, fixed budget for our services. This budget is written into a contract.

Technical Challenge | Reliable IT

Some technologies can, at times, be complex to manage. Telluy’s expert engineers are accustomed to dealing with complex technologies and know how to get the best performance while doing so reliably. We aim for 100% uptime and preemptive issue resolution.


Benefits include multiple specialists, team-based  support, and predictive maintenance.

Step One | Work Definition

We are not “pushy” salespeople. We are business-technologists who collaboratively work with our prospective clients. Our first focus is to define the services that will be of best-fit to the organization. This work can be completed in a matter of days.

All of Telluy’s contracts include (Managed Services) IT Support. Depending on client needs, dialogs covering Projects, Voice over IP, and Cloud enablement then occur. Telluy provides these services cafeteria-style, so our clients get what is needed and without extra services added.

Benefit #1:Multiple Specialists

Telluy’s staff includes experts in networking, databases,  Internet systems, hardware platforms, and more.

Benefit #2:Team-based Support

Our support model is based on a team approach. We provide our experts’ time in the perfect mix to support our clients’ requirements.

Benefit #3:Predictive Maintenance

Telluy deploys advanced software that continuously monitors the health of our clients’ IT systems. We find problems before they produce issues.


Advantages include technical expertise  and a consistent, unified IT infrastructure.

Step Two | Infrastructure Analysis

When the potential services we will provide are understood, we then conduct an end-user profile and physical infrastructure assessment. In this step, we identify where areas of technical inefficiencies are occurring and record the circumstances of IT usage.

Our services are provided exclusively by Telluy internal resources. We do not outsource any analysis or requirements definition to third-party service providers. In this step, our prospective clients meet our CEO and gain the understanding they will have top management attention.

Advantage #1:Technical Experience

Telluy brings pre-existing knowledge and experience gained from work with companies of similar size and business focus.

Advantage #2:Consistent IT

We can address a broad range of IT project needs. Our clients do not have to have multiple vendors providing differing services.

Advantage #3:Unified IT

Since Telluy provides the underlying support services, we are positioned to natively integrate specialized technologies into the IT infrastructure.


Benefits include Fortune 500 technology,  decreased phone costs, and support coverage.

Step Three | Additional Services Definition

Once Infrastructure Analysis is completed, we have the information necessary to design and scope the IT Support services. At this point in time (and if there are requests for additional services, i.e. Projects, VoIP and Telluy Cloud), we examine those needs.

Telluy is differentiated in that we provide project-based services that are fully integrated into the IT Support work. For this reason, we can develop our proposal with Telluy having a single point of responsibility for all IT services provided.

Benefit #1:Deliver Fortune 500 Technology

Telluy’s VoIP technology is the same used by Fortune 500 companies. We deliver top expertise to complete the installation projects.

Benefit #2:Decrease Phone Service Costs

VoIP works over existing connections and replaces phone lines with Internet access. Monthly phone bills disappear.

Benefit #3:Covered by IT Support

Telluy’s VoIP phone systems are covered by our IT Support contracts. Our clients have consistent, high-quality phone services.


The Telluy Cloud brings the benefits of  increased uptime, mobility, and decreased spending.

Step Four | Services Deployment

IT Support services are spun up within one week. Our clients will see noticeable improvements in IT infrastructure performance. End users will be trained in best practices for gaining the support they need. We take our work personally and create business relationships.

Security and security-related concerns are a vital area of focus in early services deployment. For example, we work with end users to educate them on secure computer usage practices. Our infrastructure support immediately kicks in, thus adding layers of security.

Advantage #1:Increased Uptime

Migrating key infrastructure and applications to the Cloud brings the benefits of advanced and effective technology.

Advantage #2:Extended Mobility

The Telluy Cloud improves employees’ access to applications and data when working from remote locations.

Advantage #3:Decreased Spending

Using a Cloud infrastructure decreases or eliminates capital expenditures on local servers and networking infrastructure.

Telluy respects our prospective clients’ time and succinctly answers all questions.

Reasons to Work With Telluy

This Information Sheet summarizes the benefits of working with Telluy and the steps in which projects are defined and started.